Womens History Month

Empowered Women Empower Women


March is Women’s History Month.

We see this as Women’s Empowerment Month for empowered women empower women.

What is the true meaning of a Queen?

A Queen leads by example.

Knowing strength lies not only with power but with passion.

Recognizing the power and passion within others.

Heavy lies the crown of the Queen, but she never hesitates to pick up, dust off, and straighten another’s.

Strength & power do not come from stepping on others, but from lifting them up.

With this knowledge a Queen recognizes her own power without causing damage to anyone else’s.

A true Queen is tender hearted yet strong willed.

Courageous, loving, and kind.

Kindness is a choice that comes from incredible strength.

The goodness of a community begins at the heart of it. The heart of its leaders.

This group that has lovingly deemed themselves the Swag Squad have those hearts of gold.

Our studio has always talked highly of being a family.

A family supports, loves, and takes care of its members. Even if they argue, disagree, shout, etc. They still love one another.

These 7 Queens show that strength and love every day. They are the first to offer a helping hand to any who need it. To befriend someone who is lonely. To speak up against the mistreatment of another. They refuse to accept bullying and will always protect others. They work hard without complaint. Rising above and beyond all expectations. They recognize that behind every successful woman is a group of other women cheering her on.

They are a beautifully diverse group of young ladies who all strive to make the world a better place. They are the role models that every parent, teacher, etc. wishes to see. I could not be prouder of a group of dancers.

This is our celebration of powerful women. True Queens.

-Kaylee Chesser

-Cora Eilola-Zallar

-Aynsley Erickson

-Gabriella LeMmons

-Mackenzie LeMmons

-Mikayla Nemanick

-Gabrielle Pearson

Thank you for all that you do and all that you are.

Lovingly - Miss Amber

Thank you to Rhonda for this amazing experience and the gorgeous photos!