
Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Pictured: Lauren Twite "With You" Solo

Pictured: Lauren Twite "With You" Solo



Just like in other sports, dance class is very important not to miss.  Missing class is hard on a dancer and hard on the team.  A student not only works on his/her technique in class, but they also learn routines for recitals and observation days.  It is very hard to learn choreography when not everyone is present.  This information also has to be reviewed and retaught when students miss.  For these reasons, we strive to not have students miss classes. If the DTDA staff feels that a student has missed too many classes, they will be put on probation.  If a student misses so many classes that he/she does not know his/her dance, that student may be pulled from the piece in the recital if the teachers feel it is necessary.

Attendance Policy:

Attendance, punctuality, and proper hair, uniform, and footwear are of the utmost importance for maintaining an environment conducive to dance training. Please make every effort to attend every class. If a student has 3 unexcused absences between the beginning of the year and the winter recital, that dancer may not be eligible to dance in the winter recital; if the student has 3 unexcused absences between the winter recital and spring recital, that dancer may not be eligible to dance in the spring recital. If a dancer accrues more than 5 unexcused absences they may not be eligible to be promoted to the next level of dance for the following year. Missed classes may not be deducted from tuition payments. ALL decisions are subject to the discretion of the Downtown Dance Academy.

We are not capable of accommodating make up lessons at this time, so loss of practice time is the responsibility of each individual dancer. Parents are required to notify the studio in advance of any extra curricular activities and to make sure their student(s) are able to consistently attend rehearsal within 10 minutes of start time. Students arriving more than 10 minutes late of start time may be asked to observe class for reasons of their personal safety. If your dancer needs to be excused for a sporting event, notify the studio at least a day ahead of time.

Injury Policy:

If a student is injured to the point that they cannot participate in class, parents must notify the Downtown Dance Academy office staff prior to the beginning of class. It is still recommended that students observe class. Instructors reserve the right to assign note taking or an alternative class participation method.

Recital Policy:

All dancers cannot miss classes/rehearsals for any reason 3 weeks prior to the spring recital, unless approved by the studio. The recital will be held at the end of the regular dance season. These dates are Saturday, June 11th and Sunday, June 12th. It is up to the parents and guardians to make sure they do not schedule any other events during this time that may interrupt the dancers' performance dates.

Cancelations/Snow Days:

Snow days are bound to happen up here in northern Minnesota!  If there is a snow day you will be notified of cancellations according via email or text through the Dance Studio Pro program.  If there is a question of cancellation, please call the studio and listen for a message on the answering machine. Canceled days may be rescheduled at the discretion of the teachers. 

Make Up Days:

NO MAKING UP MISSED CLASSES!  This has become a practice that has worn on the dancers and the teachers.  If you miss class you need to contact another dancer ("phone a friend") and know the material missed BEFORE the next class.  This is very important for the flow of each class.  There are always too many classes spent on re-teaching information for dancers who had been gone for multiple classes.

Code of Conduct/Bully Policy:

Dancers are expected to be at class on time and prepared in proper dance attire (See Dress Code Policy).

Instructors reserve the right to dismiss any dancer from class whose attitudes are unsatisfactory.

Here at Downtown Dance Academy we promote all dancers to treat each other with respect, support and encouragement.

Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior.  It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power (a group of children can gang up on a victim or someone who is physically bigger or more aggressive can intimidate someone else, for instance).  Bullying behavior can include, but is not limited to: teasing, insulting someone (particularly about their weight/height, race, sexuality, religion, or other personal traits), shoving, hitting, excluding someone, or gossiping about someone.  Bullying can cause a victim to feel upset, afraid, ashamed, embarrassed, and anxious about going to dance class.  Dance lessons are a place to try new things that are unfamiliar in a safe environment.  No one should hate class because someone is bullying them!

Bullying also includes your teachers!  There have been issues in the past with teachers being bullied and disrespected.  Our teachers have the students best interest in mind.  Please respect them and all the hard work they do!


There will be two recitals every year; a Winter/Holiday Performance and a Spring/End of the Year Performance.

Winter Recital: Each class will perform a short Holiday routine with simple costumes.  During Act Two, students (NOT including Twinkle Toes or Shooting Stars students) have the opportunity to perform their own choreographed routines.  Handouts will be presented to the classes about the performance and the student choreography opportunity as the time nears.   There will be sign-up sheets to enter your own dances,  You will only be allowed two dances, only one of which may be a solo. Please plan ahead! 

Spring Recital: This is the final performance of the dance season to showcase what the dancers have learned throughout the year.  The theme will change each year and be revealed to the students after winter vacation.  Each recital is more than a theme, it is a story!  These stories are complete with life lessons and characters! 

This recital is done two days in a row.  It is the same show both days.  Dancers are expected to be at BOTH and remain for the duration of the show including finale.


Choreography Policy:

Any choreography learned by a student is the sole property of the Downtown Dance Academy and may not be copied or used for any activity outside of the studio's scope. Permission must be granted by the studio for any student to use Downtown Dance Academy's choreography at any venue where the member is not with the studio or acting on behalf of the Downtown Dance Academy.


There are two bulletin boards at the entrance of the studio: a community board and a studio board. The community board will hold information about any workshops, open houses, performances, and anything else that involves dance or theater in the community.  Please see Miss Amber about any postings you would like to add!  The second board will hold any and all important information pertaining to the studio.  PLEASE check this board EVERY time you walk in the studio!!


Information is often handed out in class to students via piece of paper or attached around the wrist.  A lot of times these end up left in the studio, in a dance bag, or in a car.  Please check with your dancers each week to insure knowledge of studio business!  Also, anything handed out in class is posted on the studio board.  If in doubt, please check the board or ask a staff member!

Information is also shared via email, posted in “Shared Files” in DanceStudioPro, and shared in the Band app (for older dancers). Some information will be posted on this website and/or other forms of social media.

Parents Responsibility:

It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to be aware of all studio activities, such as recitals, extra classes and the dates the studio is open or closed. The studio will post all such notices on DSP, studio's website, as well as emailing notices. It is the parent's or adult student's responsibility to regularly check their email and DSP to ensure they are informed. It is the responsibility of the parents or adult students to inform the studio of any email address changes, mailing address, or telephone number change. Monthly newsletters will also be posted on the bulletin board and emailed.