
Classes & Registration

Classes & How to Register

At the Downtown Dance Academy we offer a variety of dance styles including ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, and modern. 

Below are the descriptions of each style.  When you register for classes there will be descriptions for each class.

Twinkle Toes & Shooting Stars classes are a combination of Ballet & Tap!



“A type of dancing in which controlled movements of the body are designed to express the beauty of physical motion, often while telling a story, or to a piece of classical music.”

Dancers will learn the technique of ballet training including barre, center, and across the floor movements. They are also expected to learn and be tested on the terminology necessary to advance in the dance world. Strength and stretching are a vital portion of class. Ballet is truly the base of the dance pyramid. It is strongly encouraged for all dancers to take ballet classes for technique training.



“A variation of ballet in which the dancer wears special shoes to stand on the tip of the toe.” Once eligible, pointe work with toe shoes will be added.

*Note: pointe is not always safe for every style/strength of foot/ankle. Miss Amber will determine if a dancer’s body is ready for pointe.



“A type of dance in which the rhythm or rhythmical variation is audibly tapped out by a dancer wearing shoes with special hard soles or taps.” We lean toward flat tap shoes with high heels only for special dance numbers. The dancers will learn and advance in tap techniques also learning the proper vocabulary to coordinate with their movements. *Note: Along with other top studios/teachers we follow and love the Al Gilbert technique series!



“A style performed from the core, with strong and clean lines emanating from the hips and chest. Styles include but are not limited to: current jazz, latin jazz, afro jazz, and hip hop.”

Students will learn the techniques of turns, kicks, leaps, and jumps. Most choreography is fast paced to current music. Strength and stretching will also be a significant portion of classes. *We are thrilled to add in some African dancing to our program!

Photo take by P/K Images



“Modern dance is a free and expressive style of dancing that is often considered to have emerged as a rebellion against classical ballet. Where ballet and jazz focus on strong lines and grace, modern tends toward creating shapes and fluidity.” Students will learn the concepts and techniques that go along with modern dancing. Modern is normally done barefoot or with the use of a dance paw/half sole shoe. Improvisation and creative self expression are strongly encouraged throughout these classes.

Studio Front Desk

Studio Front Desk


We will be using online registration through Dance Studio Pro.   There you will create a profile for your dancer through the parent portal.  This allows you to see class schedules and availability, requirements for classes, announcements, and so much more!  

Click the PARENT PORTAL tab above for a step by step example!

Twinkle Toes, Shooting Stars, Level One Ballet-Tap-Jazz, and Level Two Ballet-Tap-Jazz will be based on age (ages as of September 1st for the season).  Levels Three, Four, and Five will be selected for the dancer based on placement classes held before the beginning of the season.

The ages range as follows:

Twinkle Toes: ages 3 & 4

Shooting Stars: ages 5 & 6

Level One Ballet-Tap-Jazz: ages 7 & 8

Level Two Ballet-Tap-Jazz: ages 9 & 10/11

Level Three-Four-Five placement classes are for ages 11/12-18 (senior in high school)

*Please keep in mind that a lot of thought and consideration is put into placing a child.  A dancer may be moved into a different class or level depending upon learning styles and abilities.  Please respect that your dancer is being put in the level they will learn and grow best in.  The teachers and staff at the Downtown Dance Academy have your dancer's best interest in mind.

If you have any issues registering online please see the front desk for assistance during normal business hours!  We will help you get everything sorted out!

**2024-2025 Season Class Schedule**

*REMINDER:  Certain age and skill requirements will be the deciding factor for which classes your dancer may register for!  Dancers may spend more than one year in each level!